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Dr. Robert James Christie's
Dr. Robert J. Christie, Sr., his wife, "Mittie" (Sarah Elizabeth Nixon) and their family: Standing, L-R: |
Dr. Robert James Christie grew up in Northern Virginia, was graduated as an M. D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1856, and brought his new bride to Northeastern Missouri to practice medicine. He was caught up in the Civil War, serving as a surgeon in the Confederate Army until his repatriation from Shreveport, Louisiana at the end of the war. Dr. Christie produced an extensive memoir of his childhood, his medical training, and his experiences in the Confederacy. It is published in its entirety, elsewhere on this website.
The elder son, Cash Christie, became a banker in Lewistown, Missouri. The younger, Robert James, Jr., followed in his father's footsteps and became a physician in Quincy, Illinois. Robert James Christie, IV, has recently renovated and moved to the house that his grandfather built in Quincy.
Of the six children pictured above, five retired to Hollywood, California. Dr. Robert James Christie, Jr. was only 53 years old when he died of a cerebral hemorrhage in Quincy. Another son died in infancy. We've not found evidence that either Cash Christie nor his younger sister, Laura were ever married. A few of the elder Dr. Christie's grandchildren are pictured, below.
The names were written on the back of the picture: |
Bob Fry and Bob Christie (III) with their grandfather. |
Christmas, 1907; L-R:
The Fowinkle Studio, Photographer. |
Robert Christie, III and his mother, Leila (Turner) Christie. |
The last of the grandchildren that we have a picture for:
She was named after her grandmother. |
The last picture in the Christie Collection is |
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